

Skip: 小型企业融资和增长的第一资源。



  1. 作为动词(Verb):
  2. 跳跃:To move by jumping; to hop or leap. (例句) “She skipped happily down the sidewalk.” (她快乐地沿着人行道跳着走。)
  3. 略过;忽略:To leave out or pass over something, especially in reading or speaking. (例句) “I usually skip the introductions when I read a book.” (我读一本书时通常会跳过序言部分。)
  4. 逃避;避免:To avoid or evade something unpleasant, such as work, responsibility, or an obligation. (例句) “He skipped town before he had to face his creditors.” (他在面对债权人之前逃离了城镇。)

  5. 作为名词(Noun):

  6. 跳跃的动作或舞蹈动作:A jump or dance step where one foot is brought forward and then both feet are together briefly. (例句) “The children enjoyed playing skipping games during recess.” (孩子们喜欢在课间玩跳绳游戏。)
  7. 被略过的部分:An omitted part of text or speech. (例句) “Please let me know if you encounter any skips while reviewing my presentation notes.” (请告诉我你是否在我的演讲笔记中发现任何遗漏的部分。)
  8. 名字:A nickname or given name for someone named Skipper or Skip. (例句) “My grandpa was known affectionately as ‘Papa Skip’ among family members.” (我的爷爷在家族成员中被亲切地称为“爷爷skip”。)

  9. 作为形容词(Adjective):

  10. 不连续的;断续的:Interrupted at regular intervals. (例句) “The CD has some skips that make it hard to listen to.” (这张CD有一些间断的地方,使得很难倾听。)
  11. 跳跃式的:Moving from topic to topic without logical connection. (例句) “His storytelling style could be described as somewhat ‘skippy’ because he often jumped around from event to event.” (他的讲故事风格可以描述为有点“跳跃式”的,因为他经常从一个事件跳到另一个事件。)

  12. 在网络用语中的应用:

  13. 在社交媒体或其他在线平台上,用户可能会看到一个名为“Skip”或者带有“Skip”选项的选择按钮,用于选择是否继续观看某个视频或参与某项互动活动。这个用法是动词“Skip”(跳过)的一种延伸。




